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Amelia Jones: justgiving

Amelia Jones, the conscientious, talented, gifted Sixth Form reporter for the school website has been greatly missed since her illness hospitalised her. Her steadfast, reliable reporting of school events, activities and experiences from the viewpoint of the students brought a new, distinctive voice and welcome younger perspective to the website front page.

On January 3rd, Amelia suffered from a bleed to the brain that led to two operations at the John Radcliff Hospital.

Sadly, at present, Amelia is a victim of the fallout from Coronavirus. Out of ICU, she is in a rehabilitation unit, safe as she can be from the effects of the virus. All her family wait with fortitude for the next operation, a cranioplasty, which was put on hold when “all elective surgery was stopped” to concentrate on fighting the impact of Covid 19. Visited only by her mother, Amelia is nursed by diligent staff in the Oxford Centre for Enablement.  Yet, the news is grave; there is up to a six month wait for her operation.

Amelia is loved for her enthusiastic, vivacious personality. All the GMS community are affectionately thinking of her while we root for her recovery. We crave for the cranioplasty operation to happen soon; we hope that the medical procedure will not have to wait until October, for the fear is that a time delay of this length will have further life changing consequences.

We send our love to Amelia; we send our unconditional support to her family.

Suzanna, (mother) Leighton (father) Madeleine and Lucas (sister and brother), have asked for help funding the rehabilitation costs. Should any of our readers wish to donate please go to

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