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BLANK USBs: Walser’s Tanzania Charity

The wonderful Walser’s Tanzania Charity needs our help once more.
Through funding and hard work, the charity has managed to build a Computer Skills Centre for their school. As you can imagine with an increasing number of students attending school, and needing to save their work, the storage on these computers will quickly reach its limit.
Many of us have used USB sticks just lying about our homes, often because companies and universities LOVE to hand them out at events!
Please help the Year 8 cohort collect as many USB sticks as possible. All of them will be sent to the school in Ifunda, Tanzania, to help students save the work they do; there is nothing more disheartening than producing a piece of work that cannot be saved.
USBs can be dropped to Miss Bawden in S10; to any of the collection boxes situated in Year 8 Tutor Rooms; or to the KS3 student support office situated in the Science Block.
Click >here< for more information on the projects of Walser’s Tanzania Charity.
Miss Jen Bawden, Year 8 Director of Learning, is proud of her year group and thanks all of us for continuing to support her cohort’s efforts to make a difference in the global world we all belong to.
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