Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Virtual Transition Day 2021

GMS has received a communication from Buckinghamshire Council strongly recommending that the Year 6 Transition Day is a virtual event.  Their communication states:  

“In Buckinghamshire there has been a significant increase in COVID outbreaks in educational settings over the past month, mostly caused by the Delta variant, and we are now starting to see more significant and increasing  numbers of pupils and staff having to self-isolate. …

We believe we must all do our utmost to ensure that these final weeks of this academic year continue to be as safe as possible for all pupils and staff alike so as to minimise the potential for them to have to self-isolate and miss key events at school and in the holidays 

It is with this in mind that the Task and Finish Group [recommends] … that Transition Days become virtual events.” 

As a consequence, the Transition Day will be virtual, as it was last year, detailed arrangements will be communicated during the course of the week beginning 28th June.
The ‘GMS Summer School’ week, scheduled from Monday 9th August to Friday 13th August, will go ahead if Government and Buckinghamshire Council guidance allows.
To support planning please complete the form accessible from this link:  ‘GMS Summer School’ week.  The GMS team is aware that people’s plans change, so please understand this is not a definite commitment; we ask that the form be completed if it is highly likely that your child will attend.  It is preferable that students attend everyday, but if prior commitments prevent this you can select to attend on specified days.
There is no requirement to complete the form if your child will not be attending the ‘GMS Summer School’ week. Closing date for submission of the form is 5pm on Friday 25th June, as we need to submit our plans and the numbers attending to the Department for Education by the end of June.
Should you have any questions, please use the email address.
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