Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

GMS Welcomes Yr6

GMS is delighted to announce our virtual Year 6 Transition is live. All you have to do is click on the Year 6 Transition to GMS, which is an icon on the right-hand side of this page. Direct link here.

We hope your son/daughter is looking forward to their new school and KS3 education. We have recently sent out a copy of the Y7 handbook. It is advised that you read this with your son/daughter. The handbook will help our new students to familiarise themselves with our school and its routines and expectations, which will
support a smooth transition from Year 6 to Year 7. The handbook, already sent out, is designed to help our new students to familiarise themselves with our school, its routines and expectations.

Please find

  • A welcome from Mr Ford
  • A welcome from Mr Wilson, Director of Learning for Year 7 and form tutors
  • A virtual tour of the school
  • Videos from English, Maths, Science, and PE current Year 7s describing their experience of joining GMS
  • The Year 7 Handbook

Importantly, on the evening of Tuesday 6th July at 6.00pm, we will be providing all parents/ carers with the opportunity to meet online with their child’s form tutor, this will be a group meeting held via Microsoft Teams. We would encourage all children to join their parents/ carers in this meeting. You will be emailed a link directly to access this meeting on Monday 5th July.

Should you have any concerns or issues, please look at the Year 6 transition section of our website, or use the Year 6 Transition email address

An update on the plans for GMS ‘Summer School’ will be sent in a separate communication on or before Friday 9th July.

Great Marlow feels incredibly proud that you have chosen our school and we look forward to building a successful partnership with both students and parents/carers over the coming academic years.

Direct link to the Year 6 Transition to GMS page.

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