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Psychology Virtual Conference

‘Psychology Conference 2022’. The A-level Psychology Department has organised an exciting Virtual Conference for students in Years 12 and 13, on Tuesday 22 March 2022, from 10.30 am – 4.00 pm. The aim of the conference is for GMS students to hear talks from key psychologists that feature in the course. Success is having a wider understanding of Psychology and feeling inspired about the subject.

One such prominent psychologist is Professor Elizabeth Loftus, an inspirational lecturer and prominent researcher in the area of cognitive psychology. She is acclaimed for her work on Eye Witness Testimony and was brought forward as an expert in her field at the Harvey Weinstein and more recently Ghislaine Maxwell trials.

Over the course of the day, students will also have the opportunity to hear from some of psychology’s other leading researchers including Dr Phil Banyard, a chief examiner, who will be discussing psychology in everyday life; Cara Flanagan, textbook author, conference organiser, and senior editor for Psychology Review; and Prof. Steve Reicher, University of St. Andrews, a member of the SAGE committee for the COVID pandemic. The fascinating title, “The trouble with replication” is the focus of the lecture by Prof. French, of Goldsmith’s College, University of London.

It is to be a full day from 10.30 through to 4.  Students will access the conference via Zoom, meaning even those who may have to isolate can join the event.  A link will be sent at least a week before the event.

Additional advantages are that there is to be a Q&A, meaning students will be able to engage with the lecturers. Questions are sent in advance. Students will be invited to participate in various activities and polls on the day itself. Finally, after the conference, each student will receive a copy of the conference materials.

Many thanks to the Psychology Department and Mrs King for organising this hugely important opportunity for GMS students.

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