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Year 11 Boot Camp

The Bank Holiday Weekend at the beginning of May for 12 Year 11 Boys was spent working exceptionally hard in North Wales.  As part of a pilot project to motivate and inspire a selected bunch of students in the forthcoming GCSE’s Mr Chapman and Mr Dean arranged a Boot Camp Adventure Race in Dolgellau, Southern Snowdonia.

Mr Hudson accompanied Mr Dean on the trip leaving after school on Friday.  After a long and painful journey the team arrived at 8:45pm.  Just in time for setting up camp and getting some shut eye for the following day.  However not much shut eye was had due to the gusting winds and rain storm that continued for the best part of the night.

However when morning came despite being overcast it was dry at least.  Breakfast was cooked by the students on trangias and then bags were checked.  We say checked – emptied is a more accurate description.  All students had were waterproofs, one trangia, food and water as well as a map.  The aim of the day in two teams was to obtain as many check points as possible in a 3 mile radius of the start and then to be at a set location for 3pm.  This location was to be home for the evening – except without tents.

When the students arrived at camp, 2 minutes apart and 90minutes late – they all looked very exhausted and tired!

Students acquired points for each checkpoint and task that they got to – these points were then used to buy equipment and luxuries to make the night under the stars as comfortable as possible.

One group though wisely and set up a fantastic bivouac whilst the 2nd group choose to spend their points on luxuries of chocolates. Food and a self-built fire followed.  It lead to a lot of frustrated and intermittent sleep – the only positive being that it did not rain!

Having cooked the following morning the boys were begging for the comforts of home including Xbox, TV and Bed!

However a trayelan travel serve was the order for the day and some serious bag packing, kit sorting as well as solo thinking time!

The boys got back to GMS at 6pm ready for home and hopefully inspired to achieve!

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