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Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

12/07 Sports Awards Evening

GMS is once again delighted to announce this year’s annual Sports Awards, it’s on Friday 12th July.

The doors will open at 5.45 pm for a 7.00 pm start, in time for people to enjoy a barbecue, light refreshments, and a drink from a bar run by the PE Department.

This evening celebrates the commitment of the students and their teachers at GMS to sport and its benefits. Being enjoyably involved in some form of physical activity is one of the greatest achievements of GMS.

Each sport, and there are many in GMS, gives an award, meaning there are many student achievements to celebrate. Teams are also awarded for their successes in the field of play. Of course, it would not be a proper Sports’ Award Evening without the ultimate prize of the Sports’ Personality Awards: there are many contenders to choose from.

In the interval, there is an opportunity to refill glasses and have a look at the display boards showcasing all the talented sports people at the school.

All money raised will be invested in much-needed sports equipment for our enthusiastic, committed students, so we thank you in advance for your donations.

Tickets will be available to purchase via WisePay Shop. Please be aware this event is always popular so book early to avoid disappointment!


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