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A-Level results 2013


Press Release

A Level Results – August 2013

Students and staff at Great Marlow School are celebrating another set of excellent A level results, with students once again exceeding previous record breaking results and going on to excellent jobs and universities.

In the large sixth form of this school another superb pass rate was achieved with 97.6% of all examinations passed. In all measures the school has surpassed its previous records including A*-B and A*-C with almost three quarters of students achieving A*-C grades.  Value added is once again strongly positive, indicating that in the Great Marlow sixth form students make stronger progress than the average from GCSE to A Level.

Headteacher, Mrs Geralyn Wilson, said:

“We are absolutely delighted with this achievement. Our students have achieved very pleasing results across the board. Once again large numbers of students have secured places at the universities of their choice in this very competitive year. These results end a highly successful year for the school. I would like to offer students warmest congratulations and, on their behalf, thank all their teachers for their contribution to making these excellent results possible.

Headline Information:

  • Great Marlow School students achieved a magnificent pass rate of 97.6% in their A-Level examinations.
  • 72% of our A-level results were A*-C grades, with an average point score per student of 671.3.
  • 23 subject areas out of 26 achieved a pass rate of 100% this year– this is an outstanding achievement.
  • Over 38% of all grades awarded were A*-B grades – with some students gaining A* grades – a fantastic achievement.
  • A* – C. This is an impressive +6% improvement on last year’s results.
  • A* – E. This is +2.5% improvement on last year’s results.

Mrs Wilson continued: “Alongside these, there are many results, including those which represent real achievements for the students concerned, even though they may not hit the headlines. This year builds still further upon our steadily improving record of success across the whole range of subjects, academic and creative, arts, sciences and mathematics.

We are immensely proud of Great Marlow students this year and wish them every success in the future. Such results pay testament to the hard work of a terrific group of students and the dedication of their teachers. We wish all our students every success as they progress to the next phase of their lives and thank them for their contribution to the cultural and social life of the school.”

” Examples of outstanding individual performances include amongst many others:

  • Megan Thomson achieved grade A in Business and History and grade B in Geography, she is going to Oxford Brookes to read Law.
  • Aislin Darvell achieved grade A in PE and grade A in Media and grade B in French. She is going to Brighton to study PE.
  • Beth Saunders achieved grade A in English and grade B in Politics and grade B in History.  She is going to University of Southampton to read Politics.
  • Emma Boddy achieved A* in PE , grade B in Geography and grade C in Media. She is going to University of Worcester to study Physical Education.
  • Fiona Simms achieved A in Art, B in English and B in Geography. Fiona is going to Falmouth to do an Art foundation course.
  • Qamran Mahroof achieved grade A in Statistics, grade B in Law and grade B in Media.
  • Rosie Butler achieved grade B in English, grade B in Geography and grade B in Business Studies. She is going to University of Brighton to read Geography.
  • Emily Hughes received an unconditional offer to read Art at St Martin’s College of Art in London
  • Kathryn King and Annabel Hill achieved 3 straight A grades in Diploma in Child Care in Education. Rhiannon Brooker, Stephanie Higgins, Rabia Bhutt, Elisha Cox, Shalia Hussian, Victoria Memory each achieved  3 grade Bs in the same course.
  • Lovissa Webber achieved grade A in Drama, grade B in Ancient history and grade C in Psychology. She is going to University of Chichester to read performing Arts.  These are astonishingly good results in these challenging subjects.

Mrs G Wilson

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