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GCSE results 2013

Staff, pupils and parents are celebrating another excellent set of GCSE results at Great Marlow School, which represent the best yet in the school’s history. 69% of the pupils in Year 11 achieved 5 or more A*-C grades including both English and maths. Results have improved since 2012 against every measure.

Deputy Head, Linton Nash, said: “These results, against a national picture of declining grades, very positively reflect the efforts of pupils, teachers and parents. I would like to congratulate every pupil who has achieved the results they hoped for which will enable them to access the opportunities they had planned for their future education. On the pupils’ behalf, I would like to thank every member of staff who contributed to these outstanding results.”

Headline Figures

5+ A*-C inc Eng and Maths: 69% (up from 62%)

5+ A*-C: 81% (up from 70%)

1+ A*-C: 96% (up from 95%)

Average Points per pupil: 467 (up from 428)

Top Achieving Pupils

Fabrice Hammerlindl: 10 A* and an A at AS Level.

Jason Burnap: 9 A*, 3 A.

Aisha Rana-Deshmukh: 5 A*, 5 A and an A* at AS Level.

Alex Gray: 4 A*, 6A.

Luke Thomas: 3 A*, 6A.

Mr Nash continued: “I am immensely proud of the achievements of all pupils in both academic and vocational subjects, led by the outstanding results in maths and English. I cannot remember such a mature, dedicated year group and know that they will continue to contribute to every aspect of the life of the school whilst in the Sixth Form.”

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