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U18s Hockey: Two Wins-One Near Loss

In the U18s Hockey, Two Wins and One Loss is a very good statistic and one that is in keeping with the fine U18s hockey squad we have in GMS right now.
After a brilliant performance, which saw the GMS U18s undefeated all day in the indoor competition, our team was denied entry to the National Finals as a result of an end-of-day penalty shootout.
However, since then, they have played two outdoor cup fixtures, and won both, which means they are in the semi-finals of the National Cup. The team has had to display a huge amount of resilience in the last two weeks, to come back from their indoor disappointment and be so successful in the outdoor competition. Not only have they performed some outstanding hockey, but they have also been respectful of their situation, to each other, to the opposition, and to officials, as well as being hugely responsible throughout to manage all of this on top of their school work and mock exams.
Miss Porter says, “I think it is also worth mentioning that of the schools in the last 64 of the competition, 61 were private schools, 2 were grammar schools and the other was GMS. It appears the competition is dominated by the private sector.”
Huge congratulations to the following girls, we are enormously proud of them.
Tilly Brown , Kiera Allen, Kesia Richardson, Zoe Clarke, Alba Braybrooke, Colette Fitzpatrick, Mabel Daw, Lena Sykora, Flo Horan, Ash Barber, Rachel Clarke, Milly Horan , Charlotte Wellington and Erin Kelly. 
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