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Year 9 Options

This is an important time for the Year 9 cohort as they start to consider what courses to study in Key Stage 4. Over the coming weeks, all the Year 9s will receive information to help them make informed choices that will support them in achieving their long term goal.

Connexions advisers have already worked with every class in Year 9 during their citizenship lessons, discussing various careers options and guiding them through career guidance software.

Over the next two months, department leaders will be making presentations about their subjects to the Year 9 pupils, in form time. This way, pupils will be able to interact with staff specialists, who can give them accurate advice and guidance.

At Options Evening, to be held on Thursday March 13th from 18:00 – 20:00, pupils, parents and carers will hear presentations about the courses available at Key Stage 4 and how the options process works. More information about this evening will be sent to parents and carers in the coming weeks.

Options Evening is closely followed by the Year 9 Parents’ Evening, which is scheduled for Thursday 20th March from 16:30 – 19:30. This will provide parents, carers and pupils with the chance to discuss their child’s progress in their subjects, as well as clarifying any remaining queries about individual subjects being considered.

GMS will produce an Options Booklet to support pupils, parents and carers through this process; it will be published just before Options Evening and distributed to pupils in school. It will also be available on the website.

Also, on Friday 31st of January, GMS will be hosting a Careers Day for Year 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Click here for more information.

P. Bullock

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