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UPDATED: GMS students visit to Paris

“Paris is a moveable feast.” – Ernest Hemingway 

Please scroll down for updates from the trip.
33 students accompanied by Mr Chapman and Miss Tuddenham went to visit the famous City of Light.  The four day trip includes a tour around the city, a climb up the Eiffel Tower, a language lesson and more.  Students will spend their time soaking up the Parisian culture and practising their French.  Au revoir!
Miss F Tuddenham

News From Paris 7-2-14

Day 1 – We arrived safely at about 5 o’clock this afternoon at the Campus after a LONG coach journey. We’ve had dinner and settled into our rooms. Now playing table tennis and relaxing. Guided tour tomorrow in Paris followed by further site seeing in the afternoon!! C’est super!”

On the first full day, there was a guided tour visiting many of the key sights of the wonderful city. The wind was really strong that morning, thankfully, it died down and we had beautiful sunny weather.

The following day was dedicated to sightseeing around the centre before going to Montmartre. Such beautiful weather, we are lucky! That night there was a language lesson. Another great day!

Saturday was another fantastic day. The weather held off – just! Sadly, the market closed this morning so we visited Les Halles and Centre Pompidou instead. The ride on the Seine after lunch was followed by a visit to the Eiffel Tower which was breath-taking. GMS students have been fantastic.  Dinner was followed by a French film: Bienvenue Chez Les Ch’tis. Being back at school will seem so normal!


Day 1 – We arrived safely at about 5 o’clock this afternoon at the Campus after a LONG coach journey. We’ve had dinner and settled into our rooms. Now playing table tennis and relaxing. Guided tour tomorrow in Paris followed by further site seeing in the afternoon!! C’est super!!!”

Dave Chapman


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