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Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Amazing 1,106,115m Rowed

On Thursday 3rd April, GMS held the school’s first sponsored row. The total metres rowed were an amazing 1,106,115m.
Rowers from Key Stage 4 and 5 set the pace by rowing continuously from 7.30 until 8:30: in that time they managed to cover just over 150 km. For the rest of the day, pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9 rowed in class teams in a competition to see who could row the furthest. Congratulations go to 7G, 8R and 9T who were the winners in each year group. Congratulations also go to Victory: the winning house.
At the end of the school day, Key Stage 4 and 5 rowers returned for a further two hours, not stopping until 17:30. They were supported by a significant group of Year 8 and Year 9 pupils who came back to increase the final total despite having rowed gallantly during the day. The last two hours made a huge difference to the total achieved: from just over 700,000m at 15:00 to 1,106,115m.
Now, pupils have to collect the sponsorship money: they have until the end of the first week of the summer term to collect and hand in all their sponsorship money and forms to the Resources Office. Once all the money is collected and counted GMS will know which form has raised the most money. Early indications show that at least three forms are in contention for first place, topping the £200 mark.
So many people were involved in setting up and running this event, but it has been an amazing success. GMS thank everyone involved. Certainly, there were some very weary individuals, all of whom deserved to sleep well after an exhausting day. A number,  like Vinay Narang, had succeeded in rowing well over 30Km to help achieve this truly impressive overall total.
Any student who has mislaid their sponsorship form, can obtain a replacement here – Rowing Sponsorship Form
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