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Jane Eastman Runs Marathon for a GMS Defibrillator

It’s hard to believe that a few weeks ago I ran the London Marathon.
It began when a friend entered my name in the ballot a year ago. I received the “You’re in” confirmation in October 2013.
I have been very lucky to have the support and encouragement of some seasoned marathon runners to guide me through the cold, wet, windy months of training. At first, the marathon felt a long way off and yet came round quickly.
It took 12 minutes for me to cross the start line: I was a long way behind Mo. Once I had settled into my pace I realised that it was going to be such a fantastic experience:  the noise and the size of the crowds that lined the whole route was unbelievable.
At just over twelve miles in, the most amazing sight was crossing Tower Bridge. At fifteen miles, I saw my husband and friends, their encouragement was great; I also learnt from them that one of my running friends was not far ahead of me.Unbelievably, despite us being in completely different starts and amongst 35,000 runners, I managed to chase him down and tap him on the shoulder by mile nineteen.
Please note, spectating a marathon should be considered a challenge in itself, as my supporters managed to rally me at fifteen, eighteen and twenty-two miles. I had a shout from another friend at twenty-five, as well.

All went well until mile twenty-one, when a niggling cramp began in one calf. Before long it spread to the other calf, my quads and hamstrings. This was extremely frustrating and meant I had to walk more than had intended, just to ensure I crossed the finish line.
Prior to running I read a motivational quotation that stated: the first third is legs, the middle third mind and the last third heart. this turned out to be true as my legs refused to work in a coordinated fashion from twenty-one miles.
The plan was to finish at 4.20 ish and the official time was a 4.31; so despite a miserable last 5 miles I am truly pleased with the result of my first marathon.
I think this will  be a one  off -I unless I resolve cramp it just not pleasant and a marathon is long, long way.
Would I recommend it to others? Yes, with all my heart. It’s a fantastic experience and such a personal challenge .
I wish to thank everybody who supported me: my family for indulging me the considerable time out to train; marathon friends with training plans, company, meals, advice and laughs; as well as everybody else who encouraged me and sponsored me: I don’t have a total yet but I have definitely raised enough for GMS to purchase a defibrillator.
Jane Eastman
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