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Media Oscar Success

On Monday, 23rd June, the Media Department hosted its 5th annual Oscar ceremony at Empire Cinemas in High Wycombe. This was a fantastic opportunity for all Year 12 and 13 Media students to see their video work from this academic year projected on a professional cinema screen. The overall standard of the projects this year was superb and covered an extremely diverse range of genres and forms.

We gave out awards for Best Sound, Best Script, Best Camerawork, Best Title Sequence, Best Location Work, Best Editing, Best Actor/Actress, Best Direction and Best Film. Congratulations to all our nominees and winners – particularly to our Best Film winners in both year groups. Jake Hunter, James Harris and Jack Bradbury won the Year 12 Best Film award for their superb television thriller project, The Hunter, and Bethany and Ellie Osborn won the Year 13 Best Film award for their fantastic music video, Blush.

Approximately 70 students, parents and staff attended and thoroughly enjoyed the event. All feedback has made it clear that this was the best Media Oscar ceremony yet. Here’s hoping we can improve it still further in June 2015!

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