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Physics Trip to UCL

On 6th November, the Sixth Form physics students visited University College London (UCL) for a series of lectures on different aspects of the subject. There were six lectures in all, including topics as diverse as ‘Physics of the Heart’, ‘Big Bang Theory’, ‘Saturn’s E Ring’ and ‘Physics of the DJ’.  Each lecture was delivered by an expect in the field. It proved to be a great introduction for the students, to lectures university style, in a Russell Group institution.

The students travelled to the university by public transport and were able to step out into the London area near UCL for lunch.

To read what two of the students thought of the day, see below:

London Physics Trip

I thought the London physics trip was worthwhile. We went to University College London (UCL) for six and half hours and listened to four amazing lectures and one creepy lecture about DJing.

The first lecture was about the electron pulses given out by the heart and the rhythm it produces. It was delivered by Dr Ben Hanson. We were shown how MIR scanners work and how the AEDs are attached to a person’s heart. The video of one working on a footballer who had, unfortunately, had a heart attack was fascinating. Also how the AED electrifies your heart to make it continue beating.

The next lecture was given to us by Dr Simon Singh: he spoke about the Big Bang Theory, which I really enjoyed as I love the astronomy side of physics. I also remembered, because I had already used it, the concept of the ‘Spherical Bastard’: a sphere looks the same whatever angle you look at it. However, despite already knowing about the Big Bang Theory I still learnt a lot more about it.

After this the topic of space continued but came a little closer to home by learning about our solar system. I think this was one of the most interesting lectures as Enceladus is one of Saturn’s smallest moons, yet is responsible for creating Saturn’s E-ring which is made completely of ice.

Adam Prickett

London Physics Trip

On 6th November the A-level Physics students went on trip to University College London to have lectures on different aspects of physics. The purpose of the trip was to give an insight into the different areas that studying physics encompasses. The students travelled there by train and on the underground.

The "Heart Sock" is dotted with sensors that monitor the heart.

There were five lectures. The first lecture, Physics of the Heart, was given by Dr Ben Hanson who explained how a heart sock works, as shown in the picture.

Next, there was a lecture given by Dr Simon Singh, he explained the Big Bang Theory, he gave evidence to prove it happened.

After the first two lectures everyone had one hour to have lunch in and see a bit of London.

In the afternoon, Dr Sheila Kanani gave a lecture on the solar system. She talked about two of Saturn’s moons and how they may nurture life.

Dr Andrew Steele gave a lecture on superconductors and how they can be used in trains and other devices. He also conducted experiments with super conducts and liquid nitrogen.

The last lecture was given by Martin Archer, who is a Radio 5 DJ – he explained how physics is used by DJs.

Jonny Bott

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