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Year 10 Paris Trip

On Friday 26th June, early in the morning, 27 year 10 French pupils and 3 staff departed for a long weekend to Paris. Activities planned included cultural visits and language learning opportunities in one of the world’s most famous cities.

Staff and pupils spent the weekend exploring Paris in glorious weather. Quelle chance!

From a walking tour of the Right Bank, to the cobbled streets of Montmartre and the dizzying steps of the Sacré Coeur, from the great heights of the Montparnasse tower to a boat ride along the River Seine, and lunch at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, GMS pupils  have seen the city from all angles. The pupils have been enriched linguistically and culturally taking every opportunity to use their language skills. Many thanks to Mr Goodright and Miss Jones for all their hard work and humour. À la prochaine, Paris.

Miss Tuddenham

Student comments:

“Going on the Paris trip has brought me together with new people. I have made so many memories and my French has improved and benefitted drastically from being in a new environment” – Rachel Pearce

“I had so much fun on the Paris trip, I have learnt so much: from new phrases to the history of Paris” – Emily Russell

“The trip has definitely made me more confident in speaking and understanding French, especially the language lesson. It has brought me closer to my friends” – Daisy Bamber

“The trip has improved my French understanding of the language and has made me quicker at translating sentences to and from English. I really enjoyed the time we were given to explore areas of the city” -Ryan Frost

“I had a great time on the Paris trip improving my French, seeing Paris, and being with my friends” – Elizabeth Highfield

“The French trip has been the best trip I have been on at GMS because of the wonderful memories I have made with friends” – Evie Noel-Baker

“The French trip was the best trip I have ever been on. It has definitely improved my understanding of French and I now feel slightly more confident speaking.” – Elise Cubbage

“I loved the French trip. I had such a good time and learnt so much, which has made me more confident for my French controlled assessments” -Georgia Hancox

“The French trip was amazing, Paris is beautiful and I had so much fun with friends. I learnt some new phrases and feel more confident speaking in French.” – Georgia Scott

“Paris is so beautiful and full of opportunities. I miss it already” – Hannah Maddocks

“I was able to immerse myself in the language.” – Olivia Lester

“We had the full French experience: food, language and even lifestyle.” – Tabby Moss

“I enjoyed Paris especially the crepes.” –Cai Bowen-Evans

“I loved Paris, the shops, the Eiffel tower, the boat trip and the hot weather.” – Olivia Gumus

“It was fun speaking French and socialising, seeing Paris up close.” – Will Tyson

“I loved the French lesson because I like having to translate on the spot – it was challenging.” -Eve McGarvey


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