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Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Year 9 Information Evening

On 15th September 2015 there is an Information Evening being held for all  parents and carers of Year 9. Please gather in the main school hall at 6pm. Mr Stuart Ross and Mr Kevin Ford will present an evening that will give an insight into the demands and expectations  of the school for the Year 9 cohort. Parents will be given information on the following:

  • Important diary dates for 2015-2016
  • School parent contact in Year 9
  • Assessment in Year 9 – Mr Ford
  • Show My Homework
  • Vivos
  • The options’ procedure: parents and carers will be told how this works
  • Initiatives in place to improve learning
  • The expectations of the school

Of course, there will be an opportunity ask questions. GMS wish parents and carers to be fully informed about all stages of their children’s schooling.

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