Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054



March 100 Club Winner

April 6th, 2019

The March FoGMS 100 Club winner is Sarah McMahon: many congratulations go to her. A cheque for £139.00 has been sent. FoGMS thank all those who have joined the 100 Club. All the money raised goes towards helping improve the facilities for children. The whole of the GMS community benefit from the funds raised by this […]

Used Uniform Wanted

March 18th, 2019

FoGMS has run a second hand uniform sale every Parents’ Evening for a number of years now. It has proved to benefit the parents and carers of GMS while being a great fundraiser for the much needed minibuses. As there are a few dates in the diary,  FoGMS are requesting items to boost their stock: […]

D&T/Textiles Fashion Show – 4th April

March 12th, 2019

The D&T and Textiles Department invite you to their Design/Cascouture Fashion Show, which will be showcasing the work of the A-level D&T students and some amazing textile creations designed by KS4 and KS5. The Textiles Fashion show will feature GMS models across all year groups. There will be nibbles available and a paying bar in […]

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