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Did you do a D&T exam in 2018?

November 22nd, 2018

2018 Design and Technology coursework collection. Congratulations to all  Design and Technology students from last year for all their hard work. All students who completed their exams in Design and Technology (RM, GRP, TXT, FD) in June 2018 are now able to collect their coursework practical pieces, and/or their folders to take home. Please spread […]

English Yr 11 Theatre Trip

October 1st, 2018

On Friday 28th September, 67 GCSE Literature students took a coach to South Hill Park, Bracknell, to see a theatre production of the Arthur Conan Doyle novel, The Sign of the Four. Staff embarked on the organisation of this theatre trip with some trepidation: it’s tricky to gauge commitment for visits this early in the […]

Yr8 D&T Options

September 3rd, 2018

GMS D&T Department would like all parents, carers and students of Year 8 to be aware that the timetables showing online are draft. These timetables were published before being populated with the options choices of the students. GMS would like to apologise for any anxiety caused, and would like to reassure everyone concerned that all […]

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