Great Marlow School, white logo

School Closure

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, this is GMS’s school’s closure procedure.

Procedure for emergency closure of the school

Information will be posted on the school website.

Bucks CC will be notified, they will place the information on their website: They will also notify the local radio stations.

A voicemail reporting closure will be put on the main school telephone line  01628 483752 after 7am.

Those signed up for Groupcall Messenger will receive a message by email and/or text message.

Those who have children who travel on a school coach should contact the Passenger Transport Department at Bucks CC on 01296 383740.

Should the buses be operating and children dropped in school, they will be directed to the canteen, where staff will supervise.

If it is accessed that the school site could be made safe, in health and safety terms, a start time of 10 am will operate. This will be advertised on the website and by Groupcall Messenger.

The school will endeavour to operate a canteen service, but this may not be possible, therefore, it is advisable for students to bring food and drink into school during adverse weather conditions.

As far as possible, staff will place work for students on MS Teams. For further information please see the Remote Learning Policy. Students are expected to complete the work set.

GMS will endeavour to make any decision to close by 7.00am.  The decision is based on the conditions in Marlow together with the very different conditions that may exist in High Wycombe and the outlying villages. Please note that the majority of staff do not live within walking distance of the school and this has to be factored in.

If the school is closed you should assume that trips due to go out that day will be cancelled.

The default position is always that the school is open unless you are advised otherwise.