An exciting event is occurring this month: GMS is holding its annual Careers Fair.
This is always a busy, popular occasion, designed to give students an insight into career possibilities beyond personal experience of family and friends.
There will be opportunities to interact with employers, further and higher education providers. The 30 or so stalls will become hubs for employers such as Heathrow, BA, Home Office, Balfour Beatty, Oxford Instruments, Invesco, Mars, NHS and Zenopa. The universities represented are Reading, Buckingham, Oxford Brookes, Henley Business School and BNU. Local further education colleges like Bucks College Group, Windsor College Group and Henley College are also present.
Between 10am and 2pm, employers and educational providers lift aspirations and give students in Years 9-13 a goal to aim for, with clear attainment targets.
Employers and schools working together in this way help students build a rich picture of the world of work. The aim is to offer students the chance to become better prepared, ready to take up workplace opportunities. Experience shows that, with first hand career encounters, students are able to build a picture of local and national opportunities and the skills required to take advantage of them. The educational providers and local employers, who have been invited, have real world experiences, which is priceless. Offering students the chance to speak to employers is invaluable.