Festive greetings from the Music Department at Great Marlow School! We are delighted to invite you to our final event of the festive period, the Christmas Concert.
The concert will feature students from all year groups in a variety of ensembles including: Chamber Choir, Jazz Band, Rock and Pop bands, Show Choir, Wind Band and the Year 7 Choir.
The concert will take place on Wednesday 18th December in the School hall.
Doors will open at 6.30 pm, for a 7.00pm start.
Tickets for the concert cost £3 for an adult, £2 for a concession. To purchase a ticket via WIsePay click here
The Music Department is delighted to announce that the Library and English Department will be running a book stall and raffle, and Friends of Great Marlow School (FoGMS) will be serving refreshments for cash purchase.