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GMS to Perform at Energize 2025

Published 3 March, 2025

Energize is a festival of music, and and drama performed at the Wycombe Swan Theatre, High Wycombe by students from schools in the Wycombe and Aylesbury areas.  Energize has been running since 1993 and at each successive production more schools have joined in.

Our amazing Great Marlow School Drama Department are preparing to perform at this festival at the Wycombe Swan.

Undoubtedly, it is a great opportunity for some of our extraordinary actors to get experience of being on a professional stage. Students also experience the excitement of having their own dressing room and being called forward as their piece is near to perform.

We have 15 actors taking part on a piece of work called 12 Years Old. It is based on what schools were like for 12-year-olds when in Victorian times. At that time, Year 7s left school for a world of work, like going down into a coal it. The drama piece moves from this opening through time to the 1960s and 1980s. Hopefully, it might make some students think that schooling in the modern age is all right!

The students have been working hard and conscientiously on this piece since the beginning of January to ensure they are ready for the performance.

Mr Ross says, “It has been great fun working with the actors on this devised piece.” He thanks the following staff who are working alongside him to ensure the students are buoyant and confident.

Mrs Brazier for her dance/ movement piece

Mrs Chenery for costumes and props

Mr Higgins (welcome to the team) for his valuable input at rehearsals.

The High Wycombe Swan performances are timetabled for Friday March 21st at 7pm and Saturday 22nd March at 2pm

Our more inhouse audience can see the performance on Tuesday March 18th at 3:30pm

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