Friday March 7th is International Women’s Football Day. As GMS is a FA Strategic Lead for the promotion of girls’ football, the PE Department are organising a ‘Football Fest’ that involves enrolling as many girls, as is possible, to play football on that day.
On the equivalent day last year, 300 girls played football, making it an enormous success. In 2025, we have primary children attending an all-day event on the astro and about 150 secondary children, from other schools, attending an after school event for district school fixtures.
The proposed plan is to have all of GMS’s KS3 girls, plus Year 10 girls, taking part in a football game. This will be facilitated through a House Football Competition. The competition between the Houses will have A, B and C teams competing to maximise participation.
Tutors, teachers, associated staff and students are all involved and GMS asks for our wider community of parents and carers to join in with their enthusiastic support at home.
On Friday 7th March all participating students will arrive to school in PE kit.
This is shaping up to be an enormous success and we thank all those involved, not least the PE Department for leading on such a prestigious event.