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St Bedes School in Argentina revisits GMS

Published 14 October, 2024

Another marvellous international forum at GMS, curtesy of the PE Department.

St Bedes School from Buenos Aires, Argentina, revisited GMS just this week. It’s been 18 months since their last successful visit.

This trip, the 82 Argentinian students and their 8 teachers toured the UK for 12 days, starting in Scotland before travelling south to London, Windsor and Marlow.

Our visitors, guided by our Sixth Form students, were impressed with the school. They spent break time socialising in the Sixth Form Canteen; attended a variety of lessons in period 4, including English, Geography, PE, Music, Maths, French and Media – they really enjoyed this experience.

Next on the agenda, were games of rugby and football with boys in Sixth Form and Year 11. Hockey and softball were played with the Year 10/11/12/13 students.

GMS won the rugby, football, hockey but narrowly lost at softball

After the games came the fish and chips, thoroughly enjoyed by all. A cultural offering of songs from the play Matilda and lessons in the tango was particularly entertaining.

A sad parting at 7pm, because all the students and staff had enjoyed a brilliant day: mixing with peers in a ‘sporting fest’ is a highlight, when much time has been spent sightseeing.

Both schools have agreed another visit is to be arranged.

Thank you to everyone involved in organising this and giving their time so generously.

A selection of photos can be viewed in our gallery by clicking this link.

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