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Xmas Jumper Day

Published 26 November, 2024

On Thursday 12th December, GMS will be taking part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day. There’s no need to buy a new jumper. You could upcycle an old jumper, get crafty or head to your local charity shop to buy a pre-loved festive knit. Those who want to be creative could decorate a more ordinary jumper, making it unique to you. The Christmas Jumper Day website contains lots of fun craft ideas.

This year, donating £1 could buy a packet of seeds for a family in Kenya to grow their own food, after drought has killed their crops. Or £6 could make all the difference to the people in Gaza who 
are struggling to access drinkable water, because £6 provides a pack of 12 water bottles.

Times are tough, though, so please remember that £1 or more is only a suggested donation – and if you can’t 
donate, or you can spare less, that’s fine too. Any amount – 10p, 20p, 50p makes you an awesome 

Please log in to your WisePay account to make a donation.

GMS would appreciate your support to make Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day a success.

Together, we can make the world better.

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