Apprenticeships are available from the age of 16, as an alternative to sixth form, college or university
Increasing numbers of young people are considering apprenticeships as an alternative to sixth form, college or university. Apprenticeships are now available in over 170 employment sectors.
Apprenticeships combine work and study by mixing on-the-job training with classroom learning.
Those who opt for this option are employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification, usually for one day a week, either at a college or a training centre. By the end of the apprenticeship, participants have gained the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen career.
Apprenticeships are available from the age of 16 years and are available at different entry levels depending on existing qualifications and experience. From the age of 18, there are a growing number of degree apprenticeships available, leading to a university degree while also being employed. Over 70 universities and around 200 colleges are approved to deliver higher and degree apprenticeships.
There are four types of apprenticeship training:
- Intermediate (Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE)
- Advanced (Level 3 – equivalent to A-level)
- Higher (Level 4, 5, 6 and 7– equivalent to Foundation Degree and above)
- Degree (Levels 6 and 7 – equivalent to Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree)
What are the entry requirements?
To be considered for an apprenticeship programme in England, applicants need to be:
- aged 16 or over
- living in England
- not in full-time education
Each apprenticeship level has different entry-requirements, and each apprenticeship vacancy will specify what these are, along with the qualities the employer is looking for. For higher and degree apprenticeships, employers generally ask for A-levels and other Level 3 qualifications.
- The level of apprenticeship a student starts at will depend on the qualifications the student has, the job role, and apprenticeship standard the employer requires.
- Career progression is possible by working all the way up through the higher and degree level apprenticeships, in some job roles and career areas. It is also possible to progress onto other further or higher education courses, including degrees and postgraduate courses.
Who would be considered suitable for an apprenticeship pathway?
Apprenticeships would suit someone who:
- has a clear idea of the type of career they wish to pursue
- is willing to commit to work and study, but would prefer a more practical and work-related approach to learning
- is ready to start work with an employer and be based in the workplace most of the time
- is well organised and able to cope with the competing demands of work and academic study at the same time
- is ready to be assessed through a mix of assignments and written work, including essays, reports, practical exercises, end tests and exams.
How do I find the right apprenticeship?
No matter what kind of career followed, research is required to find out if individual career goals can be achieved through an apprenticeship, or if full-time study at university or college would suit better.
Questions to ask:
- What is the apprenticeship and job role on offer, does it fit into what you’re looking for?
- Does the type of company and employer suit your long-term aims?
- Is the training provider, college or university, where you could be studying, suit your long-term aims?
- What qualifications, subjects and grades are the providers looking for?
- What essential/desirable skills and experience do they require and what qualities are they are looking for in applicants?
- What does the job require in terms of location/s? Would you need to move away from home for work?
- What is the pay or salary, and are there any other benefits or facilities on offer?
- What are the three most and least positive aspects of this apprenticeship or job opportunity?
How often do apprenticeship vacancies appear?
Apprenticeship vacancies appear throughout the year; each will give a deadline for applications and start dates. Don’t wait until the deadline to make an application, some companies close their recruitment as soon as they have a sufficient number of suitable candidates.
Vacancies with larger firms often start appearing from September, but most start to be advertised from January or February onwards. Smaller businesses might start recruiting a month or two before the job starts, so if you hope to start work in August or September, start looking from March/April onwards. If you’re interested in working for a particular employer, take a look at their website, most have a page on careers, apprenticeships, or vacancies.