Safeguarding & Wellbeing
Student Wellbeing Resources: find below support organisations with a track record of offering professional advice.
Online resources for students to use in times of need. The Safeguarding Team is also on hand to help with any concerns/issues students may be experiencing. More information can be found on our Safeguarding page from the main menu.

Childline helps anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.
You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, trained counsellors are there to support you

Kooth provides an online mental wellbeing community. Free, safe and anonymous support

Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding

Papyrusis the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide

Galop works directly with thousands of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence every year.
We are a service run by LGBT+ people, for LGBT+ people.